About Us

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The Internal Fluid Purifications Specialists

Natural Extracts Australia and Natural Extracts Research are part of the 'Natroceuticals Group' and are wholly owned Australian companies specialising in the field of natural fluid filtration and purification technologies.

After nearly fourteen years of intensive research involving fluid purification and filtration using zeolite and other molecular filter structures and over twenty years’ experience working with Australian minerals, essential oils and other natural extracts, we believe we have developed a number of products that will improve the health of all of us.

Our Company's small part will be to continue research and development of an increasingly better range of personal and industrial cleansing, filtration and pollutant removal products that are eco safe and efficient. We must respond to the increasingly desperate environmental needs of our planet and our personal health care. It is the outcomes of all our collectively endeavours that will determine the future survival our families and our planet.

To contact us go to the <Contact> page.