On Going Research
We are assisting a number of clinics and individual health care professionals to conduct medical and clinical trials. Some are under way or planned. These will determine how the many purification, carrying, and distributing properties of ZeoActiv8™ can be of benefit in human health and nutrition. Natural Extracts Research Pty. Ltd. is supporting this research by making ZeoActiv8™ available as a primary source of zeolite for human use. We are also staying up-to-date with medical research developments and case studies. There are further testing and research to be done with the CSIRO and other third party research facilities.
The CSIRO is an organisation that is regarded as the premier research and development institute for the Australian Government specialising in industrial research and technology, particularly in supporting
Australian industry and scientific endeavours. [To access their web site CSIRO web site ]
There are ongoing tests being conducted by the CSIRO, Australia’s premier research institute, into many aspects of the products, the raw materials and the manufacturing process. These tests comprise:-
1 electron, optical and x-ray microscopy
2 structural analysis
3 measurement of material strength
4 microanalysis of material including the examination of the morphology and micro structure of
materials and element mapping showing distribution of metals through the materials
5 mineral phase identification and mapping through x-ray diffraction
6 partical sixe analysis
7 measure of cation exchange capacity
8 identification of heavy metals and other impurities
9 physical property determination
In addition we are reviewing other zeolite products. For example:-
1 In relation to the zeolite we use, five samples were give to the testing institution, two were
feedstock as processed and supplied from the mining source, one raw unprocessed crushed rock, one dried and three proprietary processed samples and here from two other competitors, which would be compared.
2 all these samples will be subject to X-ray scan and quantitative phase analysis.
3 three of the samples will be examined for particle size analysis.
4 two of the samples will be electron microscopyly scanned and microprobe analysed and a quantitative microprobe analysis
5 the samples will be subject to bulk XRF analysis
6 elementary analysis for 15 basic metals will be carried out.
7 there will be tests for XRF analysis
8 there will be tests for ICP-MS analysis including a special gold matrix for acute analysis.
(a) for particle size analysis NER uses PsS (Particle and Surface Sciences Pty. Ltd. PsS web site [To access their web site hold down {control key} and left click] a laboratory specialising in particle analysis and micro particles. This firm has determined the mean particle size at 25% is .5 of a micron (500 nanometres) and 80% less than one micron.
(b) for a chemical analysis of the product we will supply the latest analysis which is expected to be received shortly and incorporates the latest the changes in our manufacturing process.